Deploying App to GitHub & Heroku

To deploy any Python application to Heroku platform, we need to create three necessary files - Procfile, requirements.txt, and runtime.txt.

web: python

The above Procfile is the instuction telling Heroku platform to run the module as the entry point for our application to start.

Next, we need to create a requirements.txt file to instuct Heroku platform to install all required packages and modules installed in our virtual environment using pip installer.

pip freeze > requirements.txt

We also need to create a runtime.txt file in which we have to write down the version of Python interpreter needed to run our application.


Lastly, we need to write code for our application able to run offline and also on Heroku platform.
import os
from bottle import route, run
def main():
    return "Hello World!"
if 'DYNO' in os.environ:
  run(host='', port=os.environ.get('PORT', 9000))
  run(host='localhost', port=9000, debug=True, reloader=True)

To deploy our application to Heroku platform, we have two choices - deploy it directly to the platform or push it first to GitHub and deploy it later to Heroku platform.
