Creating Virtual Environment

As usual, to create an independent virtual environment, we need to install the virtualenv package in our global Python directory first, if we do not have this package yet. But, if we have been already installing the virtualenv package, we can create a virtual environment by opening the prompt window, cd to get into the folder for our blog engine, and write a statement as below:

virtualenv --always-copy myvenv

Next, to install web framework in our virtual environment, we need to activate it and use pip installer to install this framework.

pip install bottle

Each application, as well as Python application in general, needs a main module to run all codes in other modules that are hooked up to this module by the import statement. We can name this main module anything we like, but conventionally, web developers used to name it as "".
from bottle import route, run
def main():
    return "Hello World!"
run(host='localhost', port=9000, debug=True, reloader=True)

To run the code in the module above, we could create a bat file by writing a number of commands as below:

call myvenv\Scripts\activate
start http://localhost:9000